
A beautiful HTML5 & CSS3 mobile ready theme!

Google Maps!

You can easily add an interactive Google Map to your website! As an example here is the map of Google headquarters but you could add any location you wish, such as you business location so your users can find you quickly.

Maps are fully customizable too so you can add directions and markers for places of specific interest!

Front Page 1

Welcome to Minn

Maecenas aliquam magna sodales, sollicitudin arcu vel, commodo enim. Aliquam vitae magna ac ante commodo tristique ornare vel sem.

Aliquam posuere, tellus sit amet pharetra bibendum, ligula nisl pharetra mauris.

Our Services

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Aenean pulvinar nisl vitae.
  • Felis condimentum imper.
  • Cras et mattis velit nisl.

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean pulvinar nisl vitae.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Felis condimentum imper.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi.

Image Gallery

An image gallery that loads with a random order. Try refreshing the page to see for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Click on a question to expand, and reveal the answer!

I love your themes, can I use them on my WordPress.com site?
No, you can only install our themes on a self-hosted WordPress site.
How do I download my theme?
Login to your WPGoThemes.com members area using the details sent out to you via e-mail after your theme purchase.
Do your themes work with the latest version of WordPress?
All of our themes are tested against the latest version of WordPress as it is being developed (i.e. before general release) to guarantee they work properly.
I found a bug in one of your themes. What do I do?
Please report any issues to us and we will fix them and issue a release patch for important issues. Minor issues will be fixed before the next scheduled theme release.
Add your own question here…
And your answer here!
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Such a great solution to have your own FAQ page.

If you didn’t find the answer you were looking for then click here to contact us!

Meet The Team

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi enim mauris, faucibus nec gravida nec, pretium at tortor. Donec vehicula blandit augue in semper. Duis magna sapien, sagittis at eros ut, sodales rhoncus arcu.

    Donec vehicula blandit augue in semper. Duis magna sapien, sagittis at eros ut, sodales rhoncus arcu. Duis magna sapien, sagittis at eros ut, sodales rhoncus arcu sodales rhoncus arcu at tortor.


tml-pretty-71492_150Name: Julie Day
Job Title: Manager

Morbi cursus tincidunt quam, in porta tellus gravida eget. Mauris lorem tellus, molestie vitae arcu sit amet, elementum congue dolor. Suspendisse velit tortor, lacinia eget ligula vel, dignissim auctor magna.

tml-man-56087_150Name:  Mike Sears
Job Title:  Developer

Maecenas blandit sapien metus. Morbi cursus tincidunt quam, in porta tellus gravida eget. Mauris lorem tellus, molestie vitae arcu sit amet, elementum congue dolor. Suspendisse velit tortor, lacinia eget ligula vel, dignissim auctor magna.

tml-man-61973_150Name:  Todd Caulker
Job Title:  Lead Designer

Suspendisse velit tortor morbi cursus tincidunt quam, in porta tellus gravida eget. Mauris lorem tellus, molestie vitae arcu sit amet, elementum congue dolor. Suspendisse velit tortor, lacinia eget ligula vel, dignissim auctor magna.

tml-girl-102829_150Name  Wendy Farmer
Job Title:  Office Manager

Morbi cursus tincidunt quam, in porta tellus gravida eget. Mauris lorem tellus, molestie vitae arcu sit amet, elementum congue dolor. Suspendisse velit tortor, lacinia eget ligula vel, dignissim auctor magna. Suspendisse velit tortor morbi cursus tincidunt quam.

Minn Showcase

Click here for examples of live sites using Minn to build their online presence. Each of the sites listed started with the default Minn theme and created something wonderful!

See what you could be creating with Minn today!

Portfolio (large images)

This page uses the built-in Portfolio template. Use it to display a thumbnail list of Portfolio items at the largest size. Click the buttons below to filter images by category.

Portfolio (medium images)

This page uses the built-in Portfolio template. Use it to display a thumbnail list of Portfolio items at medium size. Click the buttons below to filter images by category.

Blue Eyes

Think I’ve left the iron on!