
This post is scheduled to be published in the future.

It should not be displayed by the theme.

List WooCommerce Categories

List WooCommerce Categories

This is one of many demos of our Simple Sitemap Pro WordPress plugin. Click here to see more examples.
If you have a WooCommerce store on your site then you can use the Simple Sitemap plugin to list all your product categories very easily with the following sitemap shortcodes. The first example lists WooCommerce products by category, and the second lists all categories with a link to each individual category.

[simple-sitemap-group type="product" tax="product_cat"]
[simple-sitemap-tax taxonomy="product_cat"]

List WooCommerce Products

List WooCommerce Products

This is one of many demos of our Simple Sitemap Pro WordPress plugin. Click here to see more examples.
If you have a WooCommerce store on your site then you can use the Simple Sitemap plugin to list all your products very easily with the following sitemap shortcode.

[simple-sitemap types="product"]

Sitemap with CPT Excerpts

Sitemap with CPT Excerpts

This is one of many demos of our Simple Sitemap Pro WordPress plugin. Click here to see more examples.
You can also display a sitemap of post excerpts for CPT too underneath each sitemap item.

[simple-sitemap types="wpgo_slide, wpgo_portfolio, wpgo_testimonial" show_excerpt="true"]




  • Ann Bridges
    This is an example of a 50% (or 2.5 out of 5) star rating. Nunc fermentum vulputate massa, vel hendrerit diam condimentum non.
  • Carol Saunders
    This is an example of a 0% (or 0 out of 5) star rating. Suspendisse a accumsan augue. Etiam venenatis eros ac odio dictum, non venenatis orci sagittis.
  • David Gwyer
    This is an example of a 100% (or 5 out of 5) star rating! 🙂 Flexr is a wonderfully flexible theme. It’s so easy to customize and the support is fantastic!
  • Frank Glass
    This is an example of a 20% (or 1 out of 5) star rating. Phasellus vehicula commodo nisl eu varius. Duis tellus urna, interdum et luctus quis, congue non dui.
  • Jayne Murphy
    This is an example of a 70% (or 3.5 out of 5) star rating. Consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque mollis sodales.
  • Lauren Michelin
    This is an example of a 40% (or 2 out of 5) star rating. Duis tellus urna, interdum et luctus quis, congue non dui. Curabitur nunc turpis, dapibus sed purus eu.
  • Luke Smooth
    This is an example of a 10% (or 0.5 out of 5) star rating. Fusce aliquam gravida enim, a feugiat odio facilisis sit amet.
  • Mike Garvey
    This is an example of a 60% (or 3 out of 5) star rating. Pellentesque aliquet metus mauris, sit amet iaculis lectus tempor sed.
  • Natasha Logan
    This is an example of a 80% (or 4 out of 5) star rating. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu suscipit velit, sed iaculis tellus.
  • Terri Fisher
    This is an example of a 90% (or 4.5 out of 5) star rating. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque mollis sodales.
  • Terri Newman
    Etiam venenatis eros ac odio dictum.
  • Will Bright
    This is an example of a 30% (or 1.5 out of 5) star rating. Proin sed risus at libero rutrum dictum. Nulla nulla massa, tempor quis est eget, convallis eleifend tellus.

(TEST without media video embed) FAQ Style 3 (Template 1)

This page displays FAQs for Style 3 and features several examples of how it can be further customised via the powerful built-in settings.

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 1″ description=”Default settings for style 3.”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 2″ description=”It’s so easy to change default styles! Here the expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has a custom border, background, and text color.” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”2px #99bdb3 solid” q_bg_color=”#b3cec6″ qcolor=”#444545″ acolor=”#444545″ icon_expand_color=”#444545″ icon_collapse_color=”#6b6b6b” q_bg_color_expanded=”#C5E0D8″ qcolor_expanded=”#6b6b6b”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 3″ description=”More custom colors, plus a simple separator between FAQ items rather than a full border.” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”0px #D4CDC3 solid” q_bg_color=”#fdfbb6″ a_bg_color=”#F29E4C” qcolor=”#d48c45″ acolor=”#fffdc0″ icon_expand_color=”#F29E4C” icon_collapse_color=”#F29E4C” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #ffdca7 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 4″ description=”Let’s go a bit more minimalist on the color changes for this one.” icon=”arrow3″ faq_border=”1px #D4CDC3 solid” q_bg_color=”#F8F4E3″ a_bg_color=”#fff” qcolor=”#a09789″ acolor=”#a7a096″ icon_expand_color=”#a09789″ icon_collapse_color=”#a09789″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 5″ description=”Simple and elegant.” icon=”plus1″ q_bg_color=”#fff” apadding=”0px 14px 10px 14px” amargin=”-8px 0 0 0″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 6″ description=”Adding a chunkier border is very easy, as is adding a colored separator border between FAQ items (visible when expanded).” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”5px #c0F1aE solid” q_bg_color=”#FCF6BD” a_bg_color=”#fffbd6″ qcolor=”#ff8fc3″ acolor=”#dc79a6″ icon_expand_color=”#FF99C8″ icon_collapse_color=”#FF99C8″ q_a_separator=”true” q_a_separator_border=’1px #f1b7d1 dotted’]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 7″ description=”Even just changing the expand icon type can make all the difference.” icon=”arrow2″ q_bg_color=”#fafafa”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 8″ description=”Changing the colors of the expand icon is easy too.” faq_border=”1px #A4243B solid” qcolor=”#A4243B” q_bg_color=”#efe3c0″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#5A5A66″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#5A5A66″ a_bg_color=”#f7edd2″ acolor=”#5a5a66″ icon_margin=”0px 0.7em 1px 0.7em”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 9a” description=”Change the FAQ margin and/or padding to suit your requirements. Here the Question padding has been increased.” faq_border=”0px #586BA4 solid” qcolor=”#324376″ q_bg_color=”#F5DD90″ icon=”arrow3″ icon_expand_color=”#586BA4″ icon_collapse_color=”#586BA4″ a_bg_color=”#fdf1cb” acolor=”#172b50″ qpadding=”18px 10px 18px 20px” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #e2c979 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 9b” description=”Or perhaps more compact spacing is what you’re looking for?” faq_border=”0px #586BA4 solid” qcolor=”#324376″ q_bg_color=”#F5DD90″ icon_expand_color=”#586BA4″ icon_collapse_color=”#586BA4″ a_bg_color=”#fdf1cb” acolor=”#172b50″ qpadding=”8px 10px 6px 16px” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #e2c979 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 10″ description=”Another example of custom colors.” a_bg_color=”#92dcc7″ q_bg_color=”#2c9b9d” qcolor=”#def2f3″ acolor=”#2a8a8c” faq_border=”1px solid #2c9b9d” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 11″ description=”Custom Question colors for expanded FAQ items.” container_border=”1px solid #eee” faq_separator=”true” margin_between_faqs=”0px” icon=”arrow3″ icon_align=’left’ icon_expand_color=”#364156″ icon_collapse_color=”#fff” q_bg_color_expanded=”#a2a2a2″ qcolor_expanded=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 12″ description=”Subtle box shadow effect added to the FAQ container.” faq_box_shadow=”0 10px 12px -8px #d2d2d2″ icon=”plus1″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 13″ description=”You can also combine a custom FAQ item border with a custom FAQ container border for interesting effects.” a_bg_color=”#ffd6c8″ q_bg_color=”#e8643e” qcolor=”#fff2f2″ acolor=”#bb2d04″ icon=”arrow3″ icon_align=’left’ icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff” container_border=”5px solid #e8643e” faq_border=”2px #f9ad97 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 14″ rotate_icon=”false” description=”Here’s another example of a custom icon, aligned to the left.” icon_align=’left’ icon=”plus2″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 15″ align=”center” width=”600px” description=”This example overrides the icon alignment and color, overall width, and centers the FAQ container.” icon_align=’left’ icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_bg_color=”#fff” icon_expand_color=”green” icon_collapse_color=”red”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 16″ rotate_icon=”false” icon_align=’left’ icon=”plus1″ description=”Default colors with custom icon, left aligned.”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 17″ width=”75%” no_icon=”true” description=”Icons are completely optional too. Here the FAQ container width is also set to 75%. Padding for each FAQ item has been reduced too.” qpadding=”5px 15px 5px 15px”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 18″ icon=”arrow3″ faq_border=”2px solid #7cd3dc” description=”Change the border and text color to whatever you want.” qcolor=”#FF5A5F” acolor=”#888″ icon_expand_color=”#7cd3dc” icon_collapse_color=”#7cd3dc” q_bg_color=”#f9f9f9″]

Example 19

Layout your FAQs in columns too. Try resizing your browser window to see responsive behavior.

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#297373″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#FF8552″ title=”false” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#297373″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#FF8552″ title=”false” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 20″ faq_border=”0 solid transparent” description=”Or even remove the border completely. Watch out for the spinning plus/minus icon too! :)” icon=”plus2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#C6AC8F” icon_collapse_bg_color=”#F3DFC1″]

This page displays FAQs for Style 3 and features several examples of how it can be further customised via the powerful built-in settings.

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 1″ description=”Default settings for style 3.”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 2″ description=”It’s so easy to change default styles! Here the expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has a custom border, background, and text color.” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”2px #99bdb3 solid” q_bg_color=”#b3cec6″ qcolor=”#444545″ acolor=”#444545″ icon_expand_color=”#444545″ icon_collapse_color=”#6b6b6b” q_bg_color_expanded=”#C5E0D8″ qcolor_expanded=”#6b6b6b”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 3″ description=”More custom colors, plus a simple separator between FAQ items rather than a full border.” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”0px #D4CDC3 solid” q_bg_color=”#fdfbb6″ a_bg_color=”#F29E4C” qcolor=”#d48c45″ acolor=”#fffdc0″ icon_expand_color=”#F29E4C” icon_collapse_color=”#F29E4C” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #ffdca7 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 4″ description=”Let’s go a bit more minimalist on the color changes for this one.” icon=”arrow3″ faq_border=”1px #D4CDC3 solid” q_bg_color=”#F8F4E3″ a_bg_color=”#fff” qcolor=”#a09789″ acolor=”#a7a096″ icon_expand_color=”#a09789″ icon_collapse_color=”#a09789″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 5″ description=”Simple and elegant.” icon=”plus1″ q_bg_color=”#fff” apadding=”0px 14px 10px 14px” amargin=”-8px 0 0 0″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 6″ description=”Adding a chunkier border is very easy, as is adding a colored separator border between FAQ items (visible when expanded).” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”5px #c0F1aE solid” q_bg_color=”#FCF6BD” a_bg_color=”#fffbd6″ qcolor=”#ff8fc3″ acolor=”#dc79a6″ icon_expand_color=”#FF99C8″ icon_collapse_color=”#FF99C8″ q_a_separator=”true” q_a_separator_border=’1px #f1b7d1 dotted’]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 7″ description=”Even just changing the expand icon type can make all the difference.” icon=”arrow2″ q_bg_color=”#fafafa”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 8″ description=”Changing the colors of the expand icon is easy too.” faq_border=”1px #A4243B solid” qcolor=”#A4243B” q_bg_color=”#efe3c0″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#5A5A66″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#5A5A66″ a_bg_color=”#f7edd2″ acolor=”#5a5a66″ icon_margin=”0px 0.7em 1px 0.7em”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 9a” description=”Change the FAQ margin and/or padding to suit your requirements. Here the Question padding has been increased.” faq_border=”0px #586BA4 solid” qcolor=”#324376″ q_bg_color=”#F5DD90″ icon=”arrow3″ icon_expand_color=”#586BA4″ icon_collapse_color=”#586BA4″ a_bg_color=”#fdf1cb” acolor=”#172b50″ qpadding=”18px 10px 18px 20px” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #e2c979 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 9b” description=”Or perhaps more compact spacing is what you’re looking for?” faq_border=”0px #586BA4 solid” qcolor=”#324376″ q_bg_color=”#F5DD90″ icon_expand_color=”#586BA4″ icon_collapse_color=”#586BA4″ a_bg_color=”#fdf1cb” acolor=”#172b50″ qpadding=”8px 10px 6px 16px” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #e2c979 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 10″ description=”Another example of custom colors.” a_bg_color=”#92dcc7″ q_bg_color=”#2c9b9d” qcolor=”#def2f3″ acolor=”#2a8a8c” faq_border=”1px solid #2c9b9d” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 11″ description=”Custom Question colors for expanded FAQ items.” container_border=”1px solid #eee” faq_separator=”true” margin_between_faqs=”0px” icon=”arrow3″ icon_align=’left’ icon_expand_color=”#364156″ icon_collapse_color=”#fff” q_bg_color_expanded=”#a2a2a2″ qcolor_expanded=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 12″ description=”Subtle box shadow effect added to the FAQ container.” faq_box_shadow=”0 10px 12px -8px #d2d2d2″ icon=”plus1″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 13″ description=”You can also combine a custom FAQ item border with a custom FAQ container border for interesting effects.” a_bg_color=”#ffd6c8″ q_bg_color=”#e8643e” qcolor=”#fff2f2″ acolor=”#bb2d04″ icon=”arrow3″ icon_align=’left’ icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff” container_border=”5px solid #e8643e” faq_border=”2px #f9ad97 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 14″ rotate_icon=”false” description=”Here’s another example of a custom icon, aligned to the left.” icon_align=’left’ icon=”plus2″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 15″ align=”center” width=”600px” description=”This example overrides the icon alignment and color, overall width, and centers the FAQ container.” icon_align=’left’ icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_bg_color=”#fff” icon_expand_color=”green” icon_collapse_color=”red”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 16″ rotate_icon=”false” icon_align=’left’ icon=”plus1″ description=”Default colors with custom icon, left aligned.”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 17″ width=”75%” no_icon=”true” description=”Icons are completely optional too. Here the FAQ container width is also set to 75%. Padding for each FAQ item has been reduced too.” qpadding=”5px 15px 5px 15px”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 18″ icon=”arrow3″ faq_border=”2px solid #7cd3dc” description=”Change the border and text color to whatever you want.” qcolor=”#FF5A5F” acolor=”#888″ icon_expand_color=”#7cd3dc” icon_collapse_color=”#7cd3dc” q_bg_color=”#f9f9f9″]

Example 19

Layout your FAQs in columns too. Try resizing your browser window to see responsive behavior.

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#297373″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#FF8552″ title=”false” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#297373″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#FF8552″ title=”false” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 20″ faq_border=”0 solid transparent” description=”Or even remove the border completely. Watch out for the spinning plus/minus icon too! :)” icon=”plus2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#C6AC8F” icon_collapse_bg_color=”#F3DFC1″]

This page displays FAQs for Style 3 and features several examples of how it can be further customised via the powerful built-in settings.

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 1″ description=”Default settings for style 3.”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 2″ description=”It’s so easy to change default styles! Here the expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has a custom border, background, and text color.” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”2px #99bdb3 solid” q_bg_color=”#b3cec6″ qcolor=”#444545″ acolor=”#444545″ icon_expand_color=”#444545″ icon_collapse_color=”#6b6b6b” q_bg_color_expanded=”#C5E0D8″ qcolor_expanded=”#6b6b6b”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 3″ description=”More custom colors, plus a simple separator between FAQ items rather than a full border.” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”0px #D4CDC3 solid” q_bg_color=”#fdfbb6″ a_bg_color=”#F29E4C” qcolor=”#d48c45″ acolor=”#fffdc0″ icon_expand_color=”#F29E4C” icon_collapse_color=”#F29E4C” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #ffdca7 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 4″ description=”Let’s go a bit more minimalist on the color changes for this one.” icon=”arrow3″ faq_border=”1px #D4CDC3 solid” q_bg_color=”#F8F4E3″ a_bg_color=”#fff” qcolor=”#a09789″ acolor=”#a7a096″ icon_expand_color=”#a09789″ icon_collapse_color=”#a09789″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 5″ description=”Simple and elegant.” icon=”plus1″ q_bg_color=”#fff” apadding=”0px 14px 10px 14px” amargin=”-8px 0 0 0″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 6″ description=”Adding a chunkier border is very easy, as is adding a colored separator border between FAQ items (visible when expanded).” icon_align=”left” faq_border=”5px #c0F1aE solid” q_bg_color=”#FCF6BD” a_bg_color=”#fffbd6″ qcolor=”#ff8fc3″ acolor=”#dc79a6″ icon_expand_color=”#FF99C8″ icon_collapse_color=”#FF99C8″ q_a_separator=”true” q_a_separator_border=’1px #f1b7d1 dotted’]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 7″ description=”Even just changing the expand icon type can make all the difference.” icon=”arrow2″ q_bg_color=”#fafafa”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 8″ description=”Changing the colors of the expand icon is easy too.” faq_border=”1px #A4243B solid” qcolor=”#A4243B” q_bg_color=”#efe3c0″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#5A5A66″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#5A5A66″ a_bg_color=”#f7edd2″ acolor=”#5a5a66″ icon_margin=”0px 0.7em 1px 0.7em”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 9a” description=”Change the FAQ margin and/or padding to suit your requirements. Here the Question padding has been increased.” faq_border=”0px #586BA4 solid” qcolor=”#324376″ q_bg_color=”#F5DD90″ icon=”arrow3″ icon_expand_color=”#586BA4″ icon_collapse_color=”#586BA4″ a_bg_color=”#fdf1cb” acolor=”#172b50″ qpadding=”18px 10px 18px 20px” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #e2c979 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 9b” description=”Or perhaps more compact spacing is what you’re looking for?” faq_border=”0px #586BA4 solid” qcolor=”#324376″ q_bg_color=”#F5DD90″ icon_expand_color=”#586BA4″ icon_collapse_color=”#586BA4″ a_bg_color=”#fdf1cb” acolor=”#172b50″ qpadding=”8px 10px 6px 16px” faq_separator=”true” faq_separator_border=”1px #e2c979 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 10″ description=”Another example of custom colors.” a_bg_color=”#92dcc7″ q_bg_color=”#2c9b9d” qcolor=”#def2f3″ acolor=”#2a8a8c” faq_border=”1px solid #2c9b9d” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 11″ description=”Custom Question colors for expanded FAQ items.” container_border=”1px solid #eee” faq_separator=”true” margin_between_faqs=”0px” icon=”arrow3″ icon_align=’left’ icon_expand_color=”#364156″ icon_collapse_color=”#fff” q_bg_color_expanded=”#a2a2a2″ qcolor_expanded=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 12″ description=”Subtle box shadow effect added to the FAQ container.” faq_box_shadow=”0 10px 12px -8px #d2d2d2″ icon=”plus1″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 13″ description=”You can also combine a custom FAQ item border with a custom FAQ container border for interesting effects.” a_bg_color=”#ffd6c8″ q_bg_color=”#e8643e” qcolor=”#fff2f2″ acolor=”#bb2d04″ icon=”arrow3″ icon_align=’left’ icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff” container_border=”5px solid #e8643e” faq_border=”2px #f9ad97 solid”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 14″ rotate_icon=”false” description=”Here’s another example of a custom icon, aligned to the left.” icon_align=’left’ icon=”plus2″]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 15″ align=”center” width=”600px” description=”This example overrides the icon alignment and color, overall width, and centers the FAQ container.” icon_align=’left’ icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_bg_color=”#fff” icon_expand_color=”green” icon_collapse_color=”red”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 16″ rotate_icon=”false” icon_align=’left’ icon=”plus1″ description=”Default colors with custom icon, left aligned.”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 17″ width=”75%” no_icon=”true” description=”Icons are completely optional too. Here the FAQ container width is also set to 75%. Padding for each FAQ item has been reduced too.” qpadding=”5px 15px 5px 15px”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 18″ icon=”arrow3″ faq_border=”2px solid #7cd3dc” description=”Change the border and text color to whatever you want.” qcolor=”#FF5A5F” acolor=”#888″ icon_expand_color=”#7cd3dc” icon_collapse_color=”#7cd3dc” q_bg_color=”#f9f9f9″]

Example 19

Layout your FAQs in columns too. Try resizing your browser window to see responsive behavior.

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#297373″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#FF8552″ title=”false” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]
[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ icon_align=”left” icon=”arrow2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#297373″ icon_collapse_bg_color=”#FF8552″ title=”false” icon_expand_color=”#fff” icon_collapse_color=”#fff”]

[faq id=’5853′ style=”3″ custom_title=”Example 20″ faq_border=”0 solid transparent” description=”Or even remove the border completely. Watch out for the spinning plus/minus icon too! :)” icon=”plus2″ icon_expand_bg_color=”#C6AC8F” icon_collapse_bg_color=”#F3DFC1″]

Accordion Style FAQ Layout

This page displays FAQ demos for the accordion style FAQ layout and features multiple examples of how it can be further customised.


Default accordion-based FAQ theme.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No Icon Rotation

No icon rotation when FAQ items expanded.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Blue Colored Question Background

Blue custom color added to the question background. Icon left-aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Red Colored Question Text

Blue custom color added to the question background. Icon left-aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Sage Choice

Expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has custom sage border, background, and text colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Grey Sage

Expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has custom sage border, background, and grey text colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Unique Banoffee inspired color scheme!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Pastel Calm

Calm blend of pastel colors. Larger arrow icon, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Simple Elegant

Simple elegant unobtrusive style, with large plus expand icon. Question text weight isn't bold by default.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Box Shadow

Subtle box shadow effect added to the FAQ container.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Chunky Pink Lime

Pink and lime based theme with chunky border.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Arrow Icon

Custom arrow icon with different expand/collapse colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Red question text, light cream background. Icon left aligned with custom black/white color.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Soft caramel colors with increased question padding and custom arrow, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Compact Caramel

Soft caramel colors with increased question padding and custom arrow, right aligned. More compact spacing.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Caramel Blue

Soft caramel colors with a twist of blue. Increased question padding and custom arrow, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Turquoise Delight

Turquoise colored theme.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Turquoise Delight Dark

Turquoise colored theme, with dark answer text.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Turquoise Delight Soft Dark

Softer turquoise colored theme, with dark answer text.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Question Background

Custom question colors for expanded FAQ items.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Thicker Container Border

Thicker container border, and smaller right-aligned arrow icon.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Dream

Tangerine colored theme with reduced padding.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Dream Shadow

Tangerine colored theme with subtle drop shadow around the FAQ container, together with reduced padding.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Dream Border

Tangerine colored theme with thicker FAQ container border.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Twist

Tangerine theme with a twist!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Plus Icon

Custom plus icon, left aligned with blue expand and yellow collapse colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Width & Centered

FAQ container set to fixed width, and center aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Another Custom Plus Icon

Another custom plus icon, left aligned with default colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Compact No Icon

No icons and with reduced question padding. Container width set to 75%.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Neon Alive

Contrasting blue border and red question text makes this a standout theme!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No FAQ Container Border

FAQ container border removed. Spinning expand/collapse icon right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No FAQ Container Border With Drop Shadow

FAQ container border removed. Custom colored plus icon, right aligned. Drop shadow effect added to FAQ container.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Another No FAQ Container Border

FAQ container border removed. Custom colored arrow icon, left aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Another Custom Width & Centered

FAQ container set to fixed width, and center aligned. This time with pink expand/collapse icons!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No Icon, Custom Colors

No expand icon. Custom colors for Question text and Answer background.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Rounded corners for question and answer containers.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Two Column Layout

Adding FAQs in two-columns is also easy, and provides a nice alternative layout.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to setup Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Box Style FAQ Layout

This page displays FAQ demos for the box style FAQ layout and features multiple examples of how it can be further customised.


Default box-based FAQ theme.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No Icon Rotation

No icon rotation when FAQ items expanded.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Blue Colored Question Background

Blue custom color added to the question background. Icon left-aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Red Colored Question Text

Blue custom color added to the question background. Icon left-aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Question Bubble

Bubble style for questions text container.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Question Bubble Border

Bubble style for questions text container with container border.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Rounded Answer Bottom Border

Bottom answer border has rounded corners, visible when expanded.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Blind Effect

Expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has custom sage border, background, and text colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Sage Choice

Expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has custom sage border, background, and text colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Grey Sage

Expand icon is left aligned, and the FAQ container has custom sage border, background, and grey text colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Unique Banoffee inspired color scheme!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Banoffe Bubble

Unique Banoffee inspired color scheme!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Pastel Calm

Calm blend of pastel colors. Larger arrow icon, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Simple Elegant

Simple elegant unobtrusive style, with large plus expand icon. Question text weight isn't bold by default.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Box Shadow

Box shadow effect applied to each FAQ item.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Chunky Pink Lime

Pink and lime based theme with chunky border.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Arrow Icon

Custom arrow icon with different expand/collapse colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Arrow Icon 2

Similar to 'Custom Arrow Icon' theme, but icon is right-aligned with different icon colors. No rounded corners on FAQ items.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Red question text, light cream background. Icon left aligned with custom black/white color.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Soft caramel colors with increased question padding and custom arrow, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Compact Caramel

Soft caramel colors with increased question padding and custom arrow, right aligned. More compact spacing.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Caramel Blue

Soft caramel colors with a twist of blue. Increased question padding and custom arrow, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Turquoise Delight

Turquoise colored theme.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Turquoise Delight Dark

Turquoise colored theme, with dark answer text.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Turquoise Delight Soft Dark

Softer turquoise colored theme, with dark answer text.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Question Background

Custom question colors for expanded FAQ items.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Thicker Container Border

Thicker FAQ border, and smaller right-aligned arrow icon.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Dream

Tangerine colored theme with reduced padding.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Dream Shadow

Tangerine colored theme with subtle drop shadow around each FAQ item and normal padding.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Tangerine Twist

Tangerine theme with a twist!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Plus Icon

Custom plus icon, left aligned with blue expand and yellow collapse colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Width & Centered

FAQ container set to fixed width, and center aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Another Custom Plus Icon

Another custom plus icon, left aligned with default colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Compact No Icon

No icons and with reduced question padding. Container width set to 75%.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Neon Alive

Contrasting blue border and red Question text makes this a standout theme!

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No FAQ Border

FAQ border removed. Custom colored plus icon, right aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No FAQ Border With Drop Shadow

FAQ border removed. Custom colored plus icon, right aligned. Drop shadow effect added to each FAQ item.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Another No FAQ Container Border

FAQ container border removed. Custom colored arrow icon, left aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Another Custom Width & Centered

FAQ container set to fixed width, and center aligned. This time with pink expand/collapse icons! No rounded corners on FAQ items.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No Icon, Custom Colors

No expand icon. Custom colors for Question text and Answer background.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


Rounded corners for question and answer containers.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Spaced Bubble

Rounded corners for question and answer containers. Answer container has extra spacing.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Two Column Layout

Adding FAQs in two-columns is also easy, and provides a nice alternative layout.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to setup Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Text Based FAQ Layout

This page displays examples of text based FAQs which suit any website but fit in well with lighter, and less obtrusive designs.


Default text-based FAQ theme.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No Q/A Separator

The separator between each Q/A is removed, and a larger (non-rotating) expand arrow is used.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No FAQ Separator

Separator between FAQ items removed. Custom 'plus' expand icon used.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Blue Colored Text

Blue colored question text.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

No Icon, Custom Colors

No expand icon. Custom colors for Question text and Answer background.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Q/A Separator Aligned

Q/A separator aligned with answer text. Custom expand icon.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Chunky Answer Separator

No separator between Q/A. Chunky answer separator.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Icon & Text Colors

Custom text and icon colors, including Question hover color. Separator between Question & Answer removed and expand icon is left aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Separator

Custom FAQ separator border color and expand icon.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Dashed FAQ Separator

Dashed line for FAQ separator. Custom colors for question text, and larger expand arrow.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Icon Colors

Left aligned 'plus' icon with custom colors.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Custom Width & Centered

FAQ container set to fixed width, and center aligned.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Double Q/A Border Separator

Double line separator between FAQ items.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80


More compact spacing.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Compact & No Icon

More compact spacing without an expand icon.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to set up Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation, you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Two Column Layout

Adding FAQs in two-columns is also easy, and provides a nice alternative layout.

Why should I use Flexible FAQs?

Flexible FAQs was specifically created to make managing multiple FAQs as easy as possible. You can configure almost every aspect via powerful settings with no coding required whatsoever. It’s so easy to use this plugin for all your FAQs saving you plenty of time. And making changes to existing FAQs is an absolute breeze via the built-in visual editor. Our unique interactive drag and drop system allows you to dynamically reorder individual FAQ items.

Is it easy to set up?

Yes, it’s very easy to setup Flexible FAQs. After plugin activation you can begin creating FAQs literally in seconds!

Does Flexible FAQs support media?

It sure does. Add any media you like.

What if I run into a problem?

You shouldn’t have any trouble at all getting up and running with Flexible FAQs. However, if you experience any issues we’re are always here to help. Simply drop us an email and we’ll get right back to you. We pride ourselves on great customer support to help make you feel at ease using our products. You’re in safe hands with us!

Will you be adding more templates?

Yes, in subsequent plugin releases we’ll be focusing on adding many more cool FAQ templates. If you have a design you’d like us to match then let us know. We’d be happy to consider adding it to the current library of available templates. Don’t forget though you can easily tweak any styles via the many built-in settings to get the exact look you want.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Flexible FAQs fits in seamlessly with your existing site and works right out of the box. The plugin is coded to WordPress standards and follows recommended best practices to ensure compatibility with all other plugins, and themes.

What content can we add to FAQs?

You have access to the full range of formatting including bold text, and italics. Ordered lists are simple to add:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

As are unordered lists:

  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Brown

Want a table? No problem!

Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Doe 80

Format Individual Sitemap Items

Format Individual Sitemap Items

This is one of many demos of our Simple Sitemap Pro WordPress plugin. Click here to see more examples.
Using the simple_sitemap_pro_title_text filter you can format individual sitemap items with ease! The filter works by passing the title text and post ID for each sitemap item to the controlling callback function.

Below we have four examples of using this filter.

As you can see the first sitemap item has been appended with the post ID in brackets, and the second one has had bold and italic styles applied and no underline. Two more sitemap items have had an icon added to the beginning and end of the text respectively.

You can use this filter to transform sitemap items exactly how you want. For instance, you could also reduce the length of page titles if they were too long.

You have complete control over how each item is formatted.